Saturday, January 31, 2015

Graduated! Woohoo!

We had our last appointment with the IVF doctor yesterday. Had our last ultrasound until probably 20 weeks. Got some great news, I can wean off the meds in the next couple weeks. YAY!!! I can make an appointment with my OB as well. Cant wait to see her :)
During the ultrasound we were even able to the little peanut move. It was so cool!! He's grown so much in the last two weeks when we had our last ultrasound. Its amazing :)
Here's a comparison of our last ultrasound to yesterday:
This was 2 weeks before. Its awesome to see how much the baby has grown. I was so glad my IM could be there too. The look on her face when she saw the baby move was priceless. Its reasons like that, that I'm doing what I'm doing for them.
As for the meds, I am only on the PIO shot every other day until Thursday, so I have 3 more left. The other meds I can just wean off through the next week or so as well. So excited about that!!!

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