Friday, January 9, 2015

First Ultrasound...

So far, so good!! The white area where the arrows are is where the baby is! I'm only 5 weeks and 5 days, which is pretty early to see a heartbeat. But little Baby B is an over achiever, they were able to see the heartbeat and even measure it! It was beating 100bpm :) It was so exciting! My IM was there and was able to see it all. I'm so excited for my IP's! They haven't announced it yet and I'm sure its tough keeping the news quiet but its understandable.
My next ultrasound will be in a week to make sure things look great still and by then we should be able to hear the heartbeat! Once I'm 8 weeks is when I'll be released to my own OB and I'll be off all the IVF meds. I'm so excited to get there!! lol the meds haven't been too bad, I'm sure I'll be worried going off the meds but by then Baby B will be a little bit bigger and we won't need the meds anymore.
The journey has really been a great ride so far and now its the fun part! I'm so incredibly blessed and excited to be doing this for my IP's.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! :) I mean, I already saw this a few days ago on FB, but YAY!!! :)
