Saturday, January 31, 2015

Graduated! Woohoo!

We had our last appointment with the IVF doctor yesterday. Had our last ultrasound until probably 20 weeks. Got some great news, I can wean off the meds in the next couple weeks. YAY!!! I can make an appointment with my OB as well. Cant wait to see her :)
During the ultrasound we were even able to the little peanut move. It was so cool!! He's grown so much in the last two weeks when we had our last ultrasound. Its amazing :)
Here's a comparison of our last ultrasound to yesterday:
This was 2 weeks before. Its awesome to see how much the baby has grown. I was so glad my IM could be there too. The look on her face when she saw the baby move was priceless. Its reasons like that, that I'm doing what I'm doing for them.
As for the meds, I am only on the PIO shot every other day until Thursday, so I have 3 more left. The other meds I can just wean off through the next week or so as well. So excited about that!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Waiting Game

I've mentioned before that the worst part of this journey is the waiting. So far the little one is doing well. My last ultrasound was last Thursday. I still don't go back to the doctor until this coming Friday. I'm definitely counting down the days! I can't wait!
This last appointment will be the IVF doctor and then I will be released to my own OB. I can't wait for that!! I will also be able to go off all the meds. Which I'll gladly do. The PIO shots are getting harder to do, due to the scar tissue and lumps in my hips of all the shots I've been doing up until this point.
Next Saturday I will be 9 weeks, I'm so thrilled we've gotten this far. The nausea and tiredness is present daily, usually 24/7. So I definitely feel pregnant, which is just fine with me.  
Here is the picture we got from our last ultrasound. He's getting a little bit bigger. Heartbeat was 128 bpm. Heartbeat is strong and he was cute, even if he is still the size of a bean. :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

First Ultrasound...

So far, so good!! The white area where the arrows are is where the baby is! I'm only 5 weeks and 5 days, which is pretty early to see a heartbeat. But little Baby B is an over achiever, they were able to see the heartbeat and even measure it! It was beating 100bpm :) It was so exciting! My IM was there and was able to see it all. I'm so excited for my IP's! They haven't announced it yet and I'm sure its tough keeping the news quiet but its understandable.
My next ultrasound will be in a week to make sure things look great still and by then we should be able to hear the heartbeat! Once I'm 8 weeks is when I'll be released to my own OB and I'll be off all the IVF meds. I'm so excited to get there!! lol the meds haven't been too bad, I'm sure I'll be worried going off the meds but by then Baby B will be a little bit bigger and we won't need the meds anymore.
The journey has really been a great ride so far and now its the fun part! I'm so incredibly blessed and excited to be doing this for my IP's.

Friday, January 2, 2015

We are Pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had my 3 beta results this week. I am so excited that all of this is working out. I received the last call today. All of my numbers look great!

Basically for those that follow and don't understand the beta results, the first beta my RE wanted 50 or higher. Then they want it to at least double the second time and then double again the third time. As long as your numbers are high then you are pregnant.
It basically reads as:
11 days past transfer - 575
13 days past transfer- 1,196
15 days past transfer- 2,703
Now we've scheduled the first ultrasound which will be next Thursday morning. We will be able to see the little guys' heartbeat. My IM will be able to be there. We are all so excited we've made it to this point! At that point I will be 6 weeks along.