Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lupron Shots..

Have begun..which aren't bad at all. I remember the first time I did it at the start of my last cycle and I was SO nervous and watched a billion different you tube videos just to make sure I was doing the injection the correct way and it took a few tries until I actually stuck myself and I thought "really? this was all? I was freaking out over nothing?!?!?"

I'm basically doing a Lupron shot every night until my RE instructs me not to. I've got my first lining scan on September 29th, so hopefully my numbers are good again :) I can't wait! I'm sure my IP's can't wait either!

Yesterday was also the last day for BC pills. Praise the Lord!! I hate being on birth control, but its part of the protocol so no big deal. But if you know me personally you know that BC pills and I do NOT mix! haha..there were days I would often feel like a different person and I was SO quick to snap or be moody with anyone and everyone! But I can say goodbye to these!! :)

I'll be sure to update once I get a call on my lining numbers Monday afternoon! Can't wait! :)

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