Monday, December 8, 2014

Second Lining Check

So I had my lining check last Friday. While my lining was at a 9....which is great. My estrogen levels were only at 86 when they really would like to see 150 at the lowest. So they added an estrogen pill to my schedule and I went back on Monday (today) for more blood work and a lining check.

Got a call from my RE and my lining is now at
wait for it....wait for it........
drumroll please.........

The RE on Friday was originally concerned though not about my lining, but about my estrogen count. I was at 86 on Friday, I'm now at.....

 We are SO excited and happy that as long as everything goes according to plan, the transfer will still be on December 18th. Can't wait!!! :):):):)

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