Saturday, December 27, 2014

I have an addiction

I have an addiction and I'm not afraid to admit it. All of my fellow surrogate sisters talk about having an obsession of POAS (peeing on a stick). Before the transfer I thought, nah, that won't be me. I'll maybe do it a few times but I won't go crazy. I thought this way up until the day of transfer. LOL. Seriously...I was ready to POAS that evening. They clearly were correct and I should have just accepted the facts that I would soon feel that same way! So since Thursday, day of transfer, I've peed a lot. As soon as I got a positive I have been doing it every morning.

Yes, yes I know. You're probably thinking "wont that get a little expensive??!" Not when Walmart sells them for 88 cents!!! Oh yes! I bought a ton of those and then the clear blue digital pack of 2.

I was able to test Christmas morning and I sent a picture to my IM. They were so excited! What a great gift I was able to give them that morning/day.

So now we wait, till Monday. Praying the numbers continue to climb. I'll go once and then go back 3 times I believe for them to test my beta and make sure the pregnancy is staying. Hopefully all of this works out the way its been going!! I'll keep you posted on Monday!!


  1. I'm so excited for you! You surely make this momma proud💕

  2. The greatest Christmas gift anyone could receive.

  3. Thanks so much Ma!!

    Leslie...thank you, your kind words mean a lot!
