Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lining Check

Went in for my lining check this morning. Was a tad bit nervous about my results (which I will get to in a minute) but much to my surprise there was no reason to be nervous at all. As she was doing the ultrasound she said things looked pretty good. Told me my lining was a little thicker on one side but that she would say it was about a 10-12. Instant relief was all I felt.
If you're not familiar with all of this stuff, usually a doctor wants your lining anywhere above a 10. Now all doctors are different but you always want something greater than 10. Which is what I have!
Once she was finished I did some lab work and then I was finished. My RE called me later this afternoon and said my doctor had reviewed the results and said that things looked perfect. My lining was at 11.5 which was wonderful. Yes, I asked again, "Perfect? So I won't need to add any other new meds? Just stay on the Lupron and the patches?" She said I was correct and my next scan would be October 15th.
So back to when I said I was nervous about what my lining was going to be. During my last cycle they had me on Lupron, patches, a couple different pills during my lining scans. My number then was 12.6. I thought for sure this time on less meds my numbers maybe wouldn't be that great. But apparently I was wrong. Which I don't mind being proven wrong in something like this. Haha!
So this time around my number is lower than last time but I'm feeling pretty good and things are going according to plan and I'm definitely okay with that.

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